Database error: Invalid SQL: select count(id) from pwn_comment where pid='13698' and iffb='1' MySQL Error: 1194 (Table 'pwn_comment' is marked as crashed and should be repaired)
#0 dbbase_sql->halt(Invalid SQL: select count(id) from pwn_comment where pid='13698' and iffb='1') called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\includes\]
#1 dbbase_sql->query(select count(id) from {P}_comment where pid='13698' and iffb='1') called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\comment\module\CommentContent.php:65]
#2 CommentContent() called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\includes\]
#3 PrintPage() called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\comment\html\index.php:13]
Database error: Invalid SQL: select * from pwn_comment where pid='13698' and iffb='1' order by id limit 0,10 MySQL Error: 1194 (Table 'pwn_comment' is marked as crashed and should be repaired)
#0 dbbase_sql->halt(Invalid SQL: select * from pwn_comment where pid='13698' and iffb='1' order by id limit 0,10) called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\includes\]
#1 dbbase_sql->query(select * from {P}_comment where pid='13698' and iffb='1' order by id limit 0,10) called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\comment\module\CommentContent.php:167]
#2 CommentContent() called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\includes\]
#3 PrintPage() called at [D:\wwwroot\1020wtcn_ic1m09\web\comment\html\index.php:13]